Journal Publications
Eduardo Cañete, Manuel Díaz and Bartolomé Rubio. A Wireless sensor
network framework based on light databases. En Software Practice &
Experience. vol. 43. no. 5. págs. 501-523. John Wiley, 2013. FI: 1.008 (2012 ©Thomson Reuters). ISSN: 0038-0644.
Eduardo Cañete, Manuel Díaz, Luis Llopis and y Bartolomé Rubio.HERO:
a hierarchical, efficient and reliable routing protocol for wireless sensor
and actor networks. Computer Communications. Elservier, 2012.
FI: 0.815 (2010 ©Thomson Reuters). ISSN: 0140-3664.
Eduardo Cañete, Jaime Chen, R. Marcos Luque and Bartolomé Rubio NeuralSens:
a neural network based framework to allow dynamic adaptation in wireless sensor and
actor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications.
Elsevier, 2011. ISSN: 1084-8045.
Eduardo Cañete, Jaime Chen, Manuel Díaz, Luis Llopis and Bartolomé Rubio.
A Service-oriented approach to facilitate WSAN application
development. Ad Hoc Networks. vol. 9. no. 3. págs. 430-452.
Elsevier: North Holland, 2011.FI: 1.592 (2010 ©Thomson Reuters). ISSN: 1570-8705.
Daniel Urda, Eduardo Cañete Carmona, J. L. Subirats, L. Franco, Luis Manuel
Llopis Torres y J. M. Jerez. Energy-efficient reprogramming in
WSN using constructive neural networks. International Journal of
Innovative, Computing, Information and Control . vol. 8. no. 11. págs.
ICIC International, 2012.FI: 2.932 (2009 ©Thomson Reuters). ISSN: 1349-4198.