1) E. Cañete, J. Chen, M. Díaz, B. Rubio, J. M. Troya. Performance Analysis of Sensor Networks and Priority Queueing Systems. Journal of Sensors. 2014. MDPI. In review.
2) Grilo, A.M.; Chen, J.; Diaz, M.; Garrido, D.; Casaca, A., "An Integrated WSAN and SCADA System for Monitoring a Critical Infrastructure," Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.10, no.3, pp.1755,1764, Aug. 2014. Link
3) J. Chen, M. Díaz, B. Rubio, J. M. Troya. PS-QUASAR: A publish/subscribe QoS Aware Middleware for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. Journal of Systems and Software. Volume 86 Issue 6, June 2013, pages 1650-1662. Elsevier. Link
4) J. Chen, M. Díaz, L. Llopis, B. Rubio and J. M. Troya. A Survey on quality of service support in wireless sensor and actor networks: requirements and challenges in the context of critical infrastructure protection. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Volume 34 Issue 4, July 2011, pages 1225-1239. Elsevier. ISSN: 1084-8045. Link
1) J. Chen, M. Díaz, B. Rubio and J. M. Troya. RAISE: RAIlway infrastructure health monitoring using Wireless SEnsor Networks. In Sensor Systems and Software; M. Zuniga, G. Dini, Eds.; Springer: 2013; Volume 122, pp. 143–157; Revised Selected Paper of the 4th International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software (S-CUBE), Lucca, Italy, June 11-12, 2013. Link