Artículos de F.R. Villatoro en el INSPEC (Ingeniería e Informática) - Papers by - "VILLATORO-FR"

Datos obtenidos el lunes 11 de febrero de 2002

Registro 1 de 10 en INSPEC 2001/01-2001/08
   TI: Solitons in nonlinear waveguides with sinusoidal Kerr-index
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: ISRAMT'99. 1999 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Microwave
   Technology Proceedings. ISRAMT, Spain; 1999; iii+801 pp. p.41-4.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: The effect of a nonlinear optical medium with a sinusoidal variation of the Kerr refraction
   index on the propagation of solitons is studied numerically by means of a linearized theta -method.
   Both the width and wavelength of the sinusoidal variation and the width of the soliton determine
   whether the soliton will be trapped in or pass through the region where the sinusoidal variation
   occurs. In both cases, the soliton radiates energy upstream and downstream. The effect of linear
   losses is small and does not alter the main characteristics of the interaction of the soliton with the
   periodically nonlinear medium.
   AN: 6957075
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 2 de 10 en INSPEC 1999/01-1999/10
   TI: On the method of modified equations. VI. Asymptotic analysis of and asymptotic
   successive-corrections techniques for two-point, boundary-value problems in ODE's
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: Applied-Mathematics-and-Computation. vol.105, no.2-3; Nov. 1999; p.137-71.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: The modified equation technique is extended to two-point, boundary-value problems, and a
   second-order accurate, implicit, centered, finite difference scheme for nonhomogeneous,
   second-order, ordinary differential equations with linear boundary conditions is analyzed. The
   first, second and third modified equations, or equivalent, second equivalent and (simply) modified
   equations, respectively, for this scheme and its boundary conditions are presented. It is shown that
   the three kinds of modified equations are asymptotically equivalent when the equivalent equation
   is used for the boundary conditions, since an asymptotic analysis of these equations with the grid
   size as small parameter yields exactly the same results. For a linear problem, multiple scales and
   summed-up asymptotic techniques are used and the resulting uniform asymptotic expansions are
   shown to be equivalent to the solution of the original finite difference scheme. Asymptotic
   successive-corrections techniques are also applied to the three kinds of modified equations to
   obtain higher-order schemes. Higher-order boundary conditions are easily treated in the
   asymptotic successive-corrections technique, although these boundary conditions must be
   obtained by using the equivalent equation in order to obtain a correct estimate of the global error
   near the domain boundaries. The methods introduced in this paper are applied to homogeneous
   and non-homogeneous, second-order, linear and non-linear, ordinary differential equations, and
   yield very accurate results.
   AN: 6392069
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 3 de 10 en INSPEC 1999/01-1999/10
   TI: On the method of modified equations. V. Asymptotic analysis of and direct-correction and
   asymptotic successive-correction techniques for the implicit midpoint method
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: Applied-Mathematics-and-Computation. vol.103, no.2-3; 15 Aug. 1999; p.241-85.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: For pt.IV. see ibid., p. 213-40. The equivalent, second equivalent and (simply) modified
   equations for the implicit midpoint rule are shown to be asymptotically equivalent in the sense that
   an asymptotic analysis of these equations with the time step size as small parameter yields exactly
   the same results; for linear problems with constant coefficients, they are also equivalent to the
   original finite difference scheme. Straight forward (regular), multiple scales and summed-up
   asymptotic techniques are used for the analysis of the implicit midpoint rule difference method,
   and the accuracy of the resulting asymptotic expansion is assessed for several first-order,
   non-linear, autonomous ordinary differential equations. It is shown that, when the resulting
   asymptotic expansion is uniformly valid, the asymptotic method yields very accurate results if the
   solution of the leading order equation is smooth and does not blow up. The modified equation is
   also studied as a method for the development of new numerical schemes based on both
   direct-correction and asymptotic successive-correction techniques applied to the three kinds of
   modified equations, the linear stability of these techniques is analyzed, and their results are
   compared with those of Runge-Kutta schemes for several autonomous and non-autonomous,
   first-order, ordinary differential equations.
   AN: 6296085
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 4 de 10 en INSPEC 1999/01-1999/10
   TI: On the method of modified equations. IV. Numerical techniques based on the modified
   equation for the Euler forward difference method
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: Applied-Mathematics-and-Computation. vol.103, no.2-3; 15 Aug. 1999; p.213-40.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: The modified equation method is studied as a technique for the development of new
   numerical techniques for ordinary differential schemes based on the third modified or (simply)
   modified equation of the explicit Euler forward method. Both direct-correction and
   successive-correction techniques based on the modified equation are used to obtain higher-order
   schemes. The resulting numerical techniques are completely explicit, of order of accuracy as high
   as desired, and self-starting since the truncation error terms in the modified equation have no
   derivatives. The methods introduced in this paper are applied to autonomous and
   non-autonomous, scalar and systems of ordinary differential equations and compared with
   second- and fourth-order accurate Runge-Kutta schemes. It is shown that, for sufficiently small
   step sizes, the fourth-order direct-correction and successive-correction methods are as accurate as
   the fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme.
   AN: 6296084
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 5 de 10 en INSPEC 1999/01-1999/10
   TI: On the method of modified equations. III. Numerical techniques based on the second
   equivalent equation for the Euler forward difference method
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: Applied-Mathematics-and-Computation. vol.103, no.2-3; 15 Aug. 1999; p.179-212.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: For pt.II. see ibid., p. 141-178. Direct-correction and asymptotic successive-correction
   methods based on the second equivalent equation are applied to the Euler forward explicit
   scheme. In direct-correction, the truncation error terms of the second equivalent equation which
   contain higher-order derivatives together with a starting procedure, are discretized by means of
   finite differences. Both explicit and implicit direct-correction schemes are presented and their
   stability regions are studied. The asymptotic successive-correction numerical technique developed
   in Part II of this series with a consistent starting procedure is applied to the second equivalent
   equation. Both all-backward and all-centered asymptotic successive-correction methods are
   presented. The numerical methods introduced in this paper are applied to autonomous and
   non-autonomous, scalar and systems of ordinary differential equations and compared with the
   results of second- and fourth-order accurate Runge-Kutta methods. It is shown that the
   fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is more accurate than the successive-correction techniques for
   large time steps due to the need for higher-order derivatives of the Euler solution; however, for
   sufficiently small time steps, but larger enough so that round-off errors are negligible, both
   methods have nearly the same accuracy.
   AN: 6296083
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 6 de 10 en INSPEC 1999/01-1999/10
   TI: On the method of modified equations. II: Numerical techniques based on the equivalent
   equation for the Euler forward difference method
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: Applied-Mathematics-and-Computation. vol.103, no.2-3; 15 Aug. 1999; p.141-77.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: For pt.I. see ibid., p. 111-39. New numerical successive-correction techniques for ordinary
   differential equations based on the Euler forward explicit method and the first modified or
   equivalent equation are presented. These techniques are similar to iterative updating deferred
   methods and are based on the application of asymptotic methods to modified equations which do
   not require initial conditions for the high order derivatives in the truncation terms and which yield
   stable numerical methods. It is shown that, depending on the discretization of the high order
   derivatives in the high order correction equations, different methods of as high order of
   consistency as required can be developed. In this paper, backward and centered formulas are
   used, but the resulting numerical methods are not self-starting. It is shown that, if the starting
   procedure is not adequate, the numerical order of the method can be smaller than the theoretical
   one. In order to avoid this loss of numerical order, a method for consistently starting the
   asymptotic successive-correction technique based on the use of fictitious times is presented and
   applied to autonomous and nonautonomous, ordinary differential equations, and compared with
   the results of second and fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods. It is shown that the fourth-order
   Runge-Kutta method is more accurate than the successive-correction techniques for large time
   steps due to the higher order derivatives in the successive-correction, but, for sufficiently small
   time steps, these techniques have almost the same accuracy as the fourth-order Runge-Kutta
   AN: 6296082
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 7 de 10 en INSPEC 1999/01-1999/10
   TI: On the method of modified equations. I. Asymptotic analysis of the Euler forward difference
   AU: Villatoro-FR; Ramos-JI
   SO: Applied-Mathematics-and-Computation. vol.103, no.2-3; 15 Aug. 1999; p.111-39.
   PY: 1999
   LA: English
   AB: The method of modified equations is studied as a technique for the analysis of finite
   difference equations. The non-uniqueness of the modified equation of a difference method is
   stressed and three kinds of modified equations are introduced. The first modified or equivalent
   equation is the natural pseudo-differential operator associated to the original numerical method.
   Linear and nonlinear combinations of the equivalent equation and their derivatives yield the
   second modified or second equivalent equation and the third modified or (simply) modified
   equation, respectively. For linear problems with constant coefficients, the three kinds of modified
   equations are equivalent among them and to the original difference scheme. For nonlinear
   problems, the three kinds of modified equations are asymptotically equivalent in the sense that an
   asymptotic analysis of these equations with the time step as small parameter yields exactly the
   same results. In this paper, both regular and multiple scales asymptotic techniques are used for the
   analysis of the Euler forward difference method, and the resulting asymptotic expansions are
   verified for several nonlinear, autonomous, ordinary differential equations. It is shown that, when
   the resulting asymptotic expansion is uniformly valid, the asymptotic method yields very accurate
   results if the solution of the leading order equation is smooth and does not blow up, even for large
   step sizes.
   AN: 6296081
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 8 de 10 en INSPEC 1993-1994
   TI: Classical forces on solitons in finite and infinite nonlinear planar waveguides
   AU: Ramos-JI; Villatoro-FR
   SO: Microwave-and-Optical-Technology-Letters. vol.7, no.13; Sept. 1994; p.620-5.
   PY: 1994
   LA: English
   AB: Conservation equations for the mass, linear momentum, and energy densities of solitons
   propagating in finite, infinite, and periodic nonlinear planar waveguides and governed by the
   nonlinear Schrodinger equation are derived. These conservation equations are used to determine
   classical force densities that are compared with those derived by drawing a quantum mechanics
   analogy between the propagation of solitons and the motion of a quantum particle in a nonlinear
   potential well.
   AN: 4821659
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 9 de 10 en INSPEC 1993-1994
   TI: A quantum mechanics analogy for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the finite line
   AU: Ramos-JI; Villatoro-FR
   SO: Computers-&-Mathematics-with-Applications. vol.28, no.4; Aug. 1994; p.3-17.
   PY: 1994
   LA: English
   AB: A quantum mechanics analogy is used to determine the forces acting on and the energies of
   solitons governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in finite intervals with periodic and with
   homogeneous Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions. It is shown that the energy
   densities remain nearly constant for periodic, while they undergo large variations for
   homogeneous boundary conditions. The largest variations in the force and energy densities occur
   for the Neumann boundary conditions, but, for all the boundary conditions considered, the
   magnitudes of these forces and energies recover their values prior to the interaction of the soliton
   with the boundary, after the soliton rebound process is completed. It is also shown that the
   quantum momentum changes sign but recovers its original value after the collision of the soliton
   with the boundaries. The asymmetry of the Robin boundary conditions shows different dynamic
   behaviour at the left and right boundaries of the finite interval.
   AN: 4736811
   Mostrar Registro Completo

   Registro 10 de 10 en INSPEC 1993-1994
   TI: Forces on solitons in finite, nonlinear, planar waveguides
   AU: Ramos-JI; Villatoro-FR
   SO: Microwave-and-Optical-Technology-Letters. vol.7, no.8; 5 June 1994; p.378-81.
   PY: 1994
   LA: English
   AB: The forces acting on and the energies of solitons governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger
   equation in finite planar waveguides with periodic and with homogeneous Dirichlet, Neumann,
   and Robin boundary conditions are determined by means of a quantum analogy. It is shown that
   these densities have S-shaped profiles and increase as the hardness of the boundary conditions
   AN: 4693674
   Mostrar Registro Completo