Laura Panizo



  1. RFOG: Mejorando la Latencia y la Fiabilidad de la Computación delegada en FOg para Aplicaciones Críticas

  2. DADIOT: Construcción, Análisis y Despliegue de Aplicaciones IoT

  3. RESCUE: Composing reliable software in pervasive environments

  4. Check-it:  New Extensions of Formal Methods in Modelling, Verification, Synthesis and Optimization of Embedded and Mobile Communication Systems: Application of Certification of LTE Protocols

  5. Techniques to improve the quality of Internet Services in Mobile Phones


  1. EVOLVED-5G: Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond (web)

  2. 5G-EPICENTRE: 5G ExPerimentation Infrastructure hosting Cloud-nativE Netwpps for public proTection and disaster RElief (web)

  3. 5Genesis: 5th Generation End-to-End Network, Experimentation, System Integration and Showcasing (web)

  4. EuWireless: European Mobile Network Operator for Research (web)

  5. TRIANGLE Project: 5G Applications and Devices Benchmarking (web)

  6. SAID: SmArt Water Management with Integrated Decision Support Systems

  7. MoTeCo: European Partnership for Development in Mobile Technology Competence

Participation in Projects

Phd on Computer Science

University of Málaga

Related Links

  1. MORSE Lab

  2. ITIS Software

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  2. DBLP

  3. ResearchGate

  4. Publons

  5. LinkedIn