Dr. Jose Antonio Gomez-Ruiz
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación
Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Universidad de Málaga
29071 Málaga,
E-mail: janto at uma.es
Despacho: 2.143-D
Tel: (+34) 951952391
Author ID: 34769974500
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-7469-8112
Jose Antonio Gómez Ruiz es Ingeniero en
Informática (1997) y Doctor Ingeniero (2002) por la Universidad de Málaga
(UMA). Su actividad investigadora se ha desarrollado desde 1999 en el
Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación de la UMA, donde es
profesor desde 2001. Actualmente su actividad docente se desarrolla en la
Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, donde desempeñó el cargo de Jefe de Estudios
desde 2010 a 2017. Es investigador del Laboratorio de Robótica y Mecatrónica de
la UMA. Más de medio centenar de publicaciones científicas, incluyendo más de
una veintena en revistas indexadas, recogen sus aportaciones en el campo de las
redes neuronales artificiales, los sistemas de apoyo a la decisión y la
robótica móvil, participando activamente en diversos proyectos de investigación
con financiación pública y privada. Actualmente es Coordinador del Máster
Universitario en Ingeniería Mecatrónica.
Fundamentos de Informática (Grado
en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales).
Sistemas de Control
Inteligente (Máster en Ingeniería Mecatrónica / Máster en Ingeniería
SAR 4.0: Leapfrogging to a New
Paradigm in Cooperative Human-Robot Cyber-physical Systems for Search and Rescue. PID2021-122944OB-I00. Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Del 01-2022
al 06-2025.
TRUST-ROB: Towards Resilient UGV
and UAV Manipulator Teams for Robotic Search and Rescue Tasks. RTI2018-093421-B-I00. Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Del
01-2019 al 12-2022.
Desarrollo de controladores neuroborrosos para la
optimización del rendimiento de aerogeneradores en plataformas semisumergibles off-shore
(NEREO). UMA-CEIATECH-18. Proyecto I+D+I del
Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020, convocatoria 2019. Del 05-2020 al 12-2021.
DIOMEDES: Development of Intelligent
cOntrol Methods using lEarning for autonomous vehicle navigation in unstructureD
environmentS. UMA18-FEDERJA-090. Proyecto I+D+I del Programa Operativo
FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020, convocatoria 2018. Del 11-2019 al 11-2022.
FIRST-ROB: Sistema Multi-Robot para Cooperación con
Equipos de Rescate de Primera Respuesta Humanos y Caninos en Escenarios de
Catástrofe. DPI2015-65186-R. Plan Nacional de
I+D+i. Del 01-2016 al 12-2018.
Sistema Inteligente de ayuda a la decisión de las Empresas
para su Sostenibilidad: Una plataforma de
valor para la gestión de la Reputación Corporativa para las Multinacionales
Cotizadas y Empresas Públicas. TIN2011-26046. Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Del
01-2012 al 12-2014.
Sistema Experto en Cardiografía. TSI-020302-2010-136. Proyecto Nacional Avanza Competitividad
I+D+I. Del 06-2010 al 12-2011.
Sistema Técnicas Eficientes de Análisis de Video en Arquitecturas
Avanzadas. P07-TIC-02800. Plan Andaluz de I+D+i. Del 12-2007 al 11-2010.
SITIN: Sistemas de Teledetección Inteligente. P06-TIC-01615. Plan Andaluz de I+D+i. Del 3-2007 al 2-2010.
Sistema Inteligente de ayuda a las decisiones empresariales. TIN2006-14285. Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Del 01-2006
al 11-2009.
Automated Visual and sensory
measurements, sorting and yield estimation for efficient meat production. Ref. E!3447-Meat Vision. Plan Europeo de I+D+i.
Proyecto EUREKA. Del 11-2004 al 11-2007.
Red Temática Nacional de procesos de toma de decisiones,
modelado y agragación de preferencias.
TIN-2004-21700-E. Acción Coordinada del Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Del 06-2004 al
Detección Visual de las Pérdidas de Aceite de Oliva en
una Almazara mediante Redes Neuronales.
TIC-2003-03067. Plan Nacional de I+D+i. Del 01-2003 al 12-2006
Journal Publications (indexed JCR):
J. Bravo-Arrabal, P. Zambrana, J.J. Fernandez
Lozano, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Serón, A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2022. Realistic Deployment of Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks based on ZigBee
and LoRa for Search and Rescue Applications. IEEE Access. Vol.10: 64618-64637. (doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3183135).
L. Driscoll, S. de la Torre, J.A.
Gomez-Ruiz. 2022. Feature-based lithium-ion battery state of
health estimation with artificial neural networks. Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 50: 104584. (doi: j.est.2022.104584).
J. Bravo-Arrabal, M. Toscano-Moreno,
J.J. Fernandez Lozano, A. Mandow, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2021. The Internet of Cooperative Agents Architecture (X-IoCA) for Robots,
Hybrid Sensor Networks, and MEC Centers in Complex Environments: A Search and
Rescue Case Study. Sensors. Vol. 21(23):
7843. (doi:10.3390/s21237843).
J. Bravo-Arrabal, J.J. Fernandez Lozano,
J. Serón, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2021. Development and Implementation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network of
Low Power and Long Range for Urban Environments. Sensors. Vol. 21(2): 567. (doi:10.3390/s21020567).
M. Karanik, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.I. Pelaez,
R. Bernal. 2020. Reliability of ranking-based decision
methods: a new perspective from the alternatives’ supremacy. Soft Computing. Vol. 24(15):
11769-11790. (doi:10.1007/s00500-019-04637-5).
J.I. Pelaez., J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Fornari,
G.F. Vaccaro. 2019. Automatic identification of characteristic
points related to pathologies in electrocardiograms to design expert systems.
Soft Computing. Vol. 23(12):
4207-4219. (doi:10.1007/s00500-018-3070-8).
C.A. Socarras Bertiz; J.J. Fernandez Lozano,
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz; A. García-Cerezo. 2019. Integration
of a mobile node into a hybrid wireless sensor network for urban environments.
Sensors. Vol. 19(1): 215. (doi:10.3390/s19010215).
M. Karanik, L., R. Bernal, , J.I. Pelaez.,
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2019. Combining user preferences and
expert opinions: a criteria synergy-based model for decision making on the Web.
Computing. Vol 23(4):1357-1373. (doi:10.1007/s00500-017-2863-5).
J. Morales, V. Plaza-Leiva, A. Mandow,
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Serón, A. García-Cerezo. 2018. Analysis of 3D Scan Measurement Distribution with Application to a
Multi-Beam Lidar on a Rotating Platform. Sensors. Vol. 18(2): 395. (doi:10.3390/s18020395).
J.I. Pelaez, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Veintimilla, G. Vaccaro, P. Witt. 2017. Memetic
Computing Applied to the Design of Composite Materials and Structures. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol. 2017: 4723863. (doi:10.1155/2017/4723863).
V. Plaza-Leiva, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Mandow,
A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2017. Voxel-Based Neighborhood for
Spatial Shape Pattern Classificacion of Lidar Point Clouds with Supervised
Learning. Sensors.
Vol. 17(3): 594. (doi:10.3390/s17030594).
M. Karanik, L. Wanderer, J.A., J.A.
Gomez-Ruiz, J.I. Pelaez. 2016. Reconstruction
Methods for AHP Pairwise Matrices: How Reliable Are They?. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol. 279: 103-124. (doi:10.1016/j.amc.2016.01.008).
A. Corz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.I. Pelaez,
E. Tenorio, J. Ventimilla. 2012. Design
and Optimizacion of Symmetric Laminated Composites using a Variable Neighbourhood
Search-based Model. Engineering Optimization. Vol. 44: 505- 520.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, M. Karanik, J.I. Pelaez.
2010. Estimation of missing judgments in AHP
pairwise matrices using a neural network-based model. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol. 216: 2959-2975. (doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.04.009).
J.I. Pelaez, J.M. Doña, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2007. Analysis of OWA operators in decision making for modelling the majority
concept. Applied Mathematics and
Computation. Vol. 188: 1263-1275. (doi:10.1016/j.amc.2006.07.161).
E. López, J. M. Ortiz de Lazcano, J. Muñoz,
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2004. Principal Components Analysis
Competitive Learning. Neural Computation.
Vol. 16: 2459-2481. (doi:10.1162/0899766041941880).
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Jerez, J. Muñoz. 2004. A Neural Network based Model for Prognosis of Early Breast Cancer. Applied Intelligence. Vol. 20: 231-238. (doi:10.1023/B:APIN.0000021415.88365.c4)
E. López, J. Muñoz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2004. A Principal Components Analysis Self-organizing Map. Neural Networks. Vol. 17: 261-270. (doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2003.04.001).
J. Jerez, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, G. Ramos, J. Muñoz,
E.Alba-Conejo. 2003. A combined neural network and
decision trees model for prognosis of breast cancer relapse. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Vol. 27: 45-63. (doi:10.1016/S0933-3657(02)00086-6).
E. López, J. Muñoz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, E. Dominguez.
2003. New Learning Rules for the ASSOM Network.
Computing & Applications.
Vol. 12: 109-118. (doi:10.1007/s00521-003-0376-x).
E. López, J. Muñoz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2003. A four-stage system for blind colour image segmentation. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol. 10: 127-137. (doi:10.3233/ICA-2003-10203).
J. Muñoz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, E. López, M.
A. García. 2002. Expansive and Competitive Learning for
Vector Quantization. Neural Processing Letters. Vol. 15: 261-273. (doi:10.1023/A:1015785501885).
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Muñoz, M.A. García,
E. Lopez-Rubio. 2002. Character Skeletonization by a
Competitive Segment Based Neural Network. Inteligencia Artificial. Iberoamerican
Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Vol 6(17):7-21. (doi:10.4114/intartif.vol14iss48).
E. López, J. Muñoz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2002. Self-Organizing Dynamic Graphs. Neural Processing
Letters. Vol. 16: 93-109. (doi:10.1023/A:1019999727252).
E. López, J. Muñoz, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2001. Invariant pattern identification by self-organising networks. Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. 22: 983-990. (doi:10.1016/S0167-8655(01)00048-4).
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Jerez, J. Muñoz, E.
Alba-Conejo. 2000. A Neural Networks based Model for the
Prediction of Relapse in Patients with Breast Cancer Surgery. Inteligencia Artificial. Iberoamerican Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Vol 4(11):39-45. (doi:10.4114/intartif.vol14iss48).
Conference Papers
J. Bravo-Arrabal, C.S. Álvarez-Merino,
J.J. Fernandez-Lozano, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Mandow, R. Barco, A.
García-Cerezo. 2018. Field report on experimental comparison of a WiFi mesh network
against commercial 5G in an underground disaster environment. 2023 IEEE
International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR’2023), pp. 186-192.
Fukushima, Japan. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SSRR59696.2023.10499931).
A. García-Cerezo, A. Mandow, J.A.
Gomez-Ruiz, J.J. Fernández-Lozano, J.M. Gómez de Gabriel, A.J. Reina, J.L. Martínez,
J. Morales, M.A. Alcázar, J. Miranda, R. Vázquez, A. Cruz, J. Serón, F. Pastor,
V. Plaza-Leiva, J.M. Gandarias, M. Toscano. 2019. Sistema Multi-Robot para Cooperacion
con Equipos de Rescate de Primera Respuesta Humanos y Caninos en Escenarios de Catastrofe.
Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica (JNR2019), pp. 197-205. Alicante, Spain.
A. Mandow, J. Morales, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A.
García-Cerezo. 2018. Optimizing Scan Homogeneity for Building Full-3D Lidars based on
Rotating a Multi-Beam Velodyne Rangefinder. 2018 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2018), pp. 4788-4793. Madrid, Spain. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IROS.2018.8593916).
J.J. Fernández-Lozano, A. Mandow, M.
Martín-Guzmán, J. Martín-Ávila, J. Serón, J.L. Martínez, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz,
C. Socarras-Bertiz, J. Miranda-Páez, A. García-Cerezo. 2018. Integration of a
Canine Agent in a Wireless Sensor Network for Information Gathering in Search
and Rescue Missions. 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2018),
pp. 5685-5690. Madrid, Spain. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IROS.2018.8593849).
J.J. Fernández-Lozano, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz,
M. Martín-Guzmán, J. Martín-Ávila, C. Socarras-Bertiz, A. García-Cerezo. 2018. Wireless Sensor
Networks for Urban Information Systems: Preliminary Results of Integration of
an Electric Vehicle as a Mobile Node. Advances in Intelligent Systems
and Computing. Vol. 694,
pp. 190-199. ROBOT’2017. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70836-2_16).
V. Plaza-Leiva, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Mandow,
A. Garcia-Cerezo. 2015. Multi-layer Perceptrons for Voxel-Based Classification of Point
Clouds from Natural Enviroments. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9095, pp. 250-261. IWANN’2015. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19222-2_21).
V. Plaza-Leiva, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, A. Mandow,
J. Morales, A.Garcia-Cerezo. 2015. Occupancy Grids Generation based on Geometric-Featured
Voxel Maps. 2015 IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and
Automation (MED’2015), pp. 800-805. Torremolinos,
Spain. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MED.2015.7158838).
V. Plaza-Leiva, F.E. Ababsa, A.J. Garcia-Cerezo,
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz. 2015. 3D Segmentation Method for
Natural Enviroments based on a Geometric-Featured Voxel Map. 2015 IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Technology (ICIT’2015), pp. 1602-1607. Sevilla, Spain. (https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICIT.2015.7125325).
E. Tenorio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.I.Pelaez, J.M, Doña.
2010. A Genetic Algorithm to Design
Industrial Materials. Lecture Notes
in Artificial Ingelligence, Vol. 6278, pp. 445-454. KES'2010.
E. Tenorio, J.I. Pelaez, J.M. Doña, J.A.
Gomez-Ruiz. 2010. Un Modelo Evolutivo
para el Diseño de Materiales Compuestos Laminados Simétricos. 2010. III Congreso Español de Informática
(CEDI'2010), pp.35-40. Valencia, Spain.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal.
2009. Shapes Description by a Segments-based
Neural Network. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 5517, pp. 1208-1215. IWANN'2009.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal.
2009. Spicules for Unsupervised Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
5517, pp. 188-195. IWANN'2009.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, M. Karanik, J.I. Pelaez.
2009. Improving the Consistency of AHP Matrices
Using a Multi-layer Perceptron-based Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5517, pp. 41-48.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, M. Karanik, J.I. Pelaez.
2008. Incomplete AHP Pairwise Matrix
Reconstruction using a Neural Network-based Model. XII International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft
Computing (ASC'2008), pp. 116-121. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal,
E. Lopez-Rubio. 2007. Spicules-based Competitive
Neural Network. XV European Symposium
on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'2007), pp. 525-530. Brujas, Belgium.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Muñoz-Perez, E. Lopez-Rubio.
2005. Red Neuronal Competitiva no
Supervisada basada en Espículas. I Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI'2005), pp. 213-220.
Granada, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, I. Lopez-Rubio.
2003. Input Space Division by Local PCA for
Classification with Multilayer Perceptrons. III IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Applications (AIA'2003), pp. 667-672. Benalmadena, Malaga, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2003. Invariant Detection of Symmetric Objects by
Subpixel Edge Localization. III
IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
(AIA'2003). Benalmadena, Malaga, Spain.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, E. Lopez-Rubio, J.
Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal. 2003. Skeleton
Construction for Shape Description using Unsupervised Learning. IX International Conference on Engineering
Applications of Neural Networks (EANN'2003), pp.17-24. Torremolinos,
Malaga, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J. Muñoz-Perez, J.A.Gomez-Ruiz.
2003. Principal Components Analysis
Competitive Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2686, pp. 318-325. IWANN’2003.
M.A. Garcia-Bernal, J. Muñoz-Perez, J.A.Gomez-Ruiz,
I. Ladron-de-Guevara. 2003. A
Competitive Neural Network based on Dipoles. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2686, pp. 398-405. IWANN’2003.
J. Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal, I. Ladron-de-Guevara,
J.A.Gomez-Ruiz. 2003. BICONN: A Binary Competitive
Neural Network. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 2686, pp. 430-437. IWANN’2003.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J. Muñoz-Perez, J.A.Gomez-Ruiz. 2002 The Principal Components Analysis
Self-Organizing Map. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Vol. 2415, pp. 865-870. ICANN’2002.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2002. A Four Stage System for Blind Colour Image Segmentation.
III International NAISO symposium on
Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS'2002). Malaga, Spain.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, E. Lopez-Rubio, J.
Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal. 2002. Character
Skeletonization by a Segment Based Neural Network. III International NAISO symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems
(EIS'2002). Malaga, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2002. Efficient Learning Rules for the ASSOM
Network. III International NAISO
symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS'2002). Málaga, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2002. Colour Image Compression with
Self-Organizing Dynamic Graphs. II
IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
(AIA'2002), pp. 178-183. Benalmadena, Malaga, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J. Muñoz-Perez, J.A.Gomez-Ruiz.
2001. Dynamic Topology Networks for Colour
Image Compression. Lecture Notes
in Computer
Science, Vol. 2085, pp. 168-175. IWANN’2001.
J.A.Gomez-Ruiz, E. Lopez-Rubio, J.
Muñoz-Perez, M.A. Garcia-Bernal. 2001. Expansive
and Competitive Neural Networks. Lecture
Note in Computer Science. Vol. 2084, pp.
355-362. IWANN’2001.
M.A. Garcia-Bernal, J. Muñoz-Perez, J.A.
Gomez-Ruiz. 2001. Redes Neuronales
Artificiales basadas en Dipolos. IX
Conferencia de la Asociación Española de Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA'2001),
pp. 183-191. Gijon, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2001. Self-Organizing Dynamic Graphs. 2001 WSES International Conference on Neural
Networks and Applications, pp. 2591-2595. Puerto
de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2000. Las Nuevas
Tecnologías y el Subdesarrollo. I
Congreso Internacional de Tecnoética, pp. 535-540. Barcelona, Spain.
J. Jerez, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Pérez, E. Alba-Conejo. 2000. Using
Neural Networks for Prognosis of Early Breast Cancer. X International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering
(ANNIE'2000), pp. 825-830. San Luis. USA.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2000. A Robust Two-Stage System for Image
Segmentation. XV International
Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2000), pp. 606-609. Barcelona,
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, E. Lopez-Rubio, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2000. Expansive Competitive Learning for Colour Imagen
Compression. II International Sysposium
on Neural Computation (NC'2000), pp. 522-527. Berlin, Germany.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Muñoz-Perez. 1999. Aprendizaje Expansivo para la Compresión de
Imágenes en Color. VIII Conferencia
de la Asociación Española de Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA'1999),
pp.16-23. Murcia, Spain.
Contributions in Books
J.A. Gómez Ruiz, M.C. Aranda Garrido, A.L.
Carrillo León, J. Galindo Gómez, J.J. Leiva Olivencia. 2009. Fundamentos de Informática. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad
de Málaga. ISBN: 978-84-9747-287-6. Libro.
E. Lopez-Rubio, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2001. Self-Organizing
Dynamic Graphs. Advances in Neural Networks and Applications. World
Scientific and Engineering Society Press, pp. 39-45. ISBN: 960-8052-26-2. Capítulo
de Libro.
J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, E. Lopez-Rubio, J.
Muñoz-Perez. 2001. Procesos Cognitivos en Inteligencia Artificial. Ediciones Aljibe. pp. 111-150. ISBN:
84-9700-034-X. Capítulo de Libro.
J. Jerez, J.A. Gomez-Ruiz, J.
Muñoz-Perez, E. Alba-Conejo. 2001. A Model for Prognosis of Early Breast
Cancer. Problems in Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence.
World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, pp. 165-169. ISBN:
960-8052-30-0. Capítulo de Libro.