On the Analysis of Data Derived from Mitochondrial DNA Distance Matrices:
Kolmogorov and a traveling salesman give their opinion

P. Moscato, L. Buriol, C. Cotta

Advances in Nature Inspired Computation: the PPSN VII Workshops, D. Corne et al. (eds.), pp. 37-38, PEDAL, University of Reading, 2002


We aim at provoking new ideas for computational tools based on the powerful algorithms currently available for the TSP. They can help to order DNA sequences and can be viewed as complementary tools to the existing phylogenetic methods, uncovering interesting correlations not made explicit in most tree layouts. We study the problem of ordering the sequences such that they minimize the total intersequence distances. The distances are based on a measure that approximates Kolmogorov complexity. The method is fully automatizable, and the results are very encouraging.

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