Stochastic Reverse Hillclimbing and Iterated Local Search
C. Cotta, E. Alba, J.M. Troya
1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 1558-1565,
IEEE Neural Network Council - Evolutionary Programming Society - Institution of Electrical Engineers,
Washington D.C., 1999
This paper analyzes the detection of stagnation states in iterated
local search algorithms. This is done considering elements such as
the population size, the length of the encoding and the number of
observed non-improving iterations. This analysis isolates the
features of the target problem within one parameter for which three
different estimations are given: two static a priori estimations and
a dynamic approach. In the latter case, a stochastic reverse
hillclimbing algorithm is used to extract information from the
fitness landscape. The applicability of these estimations is studied
and exemplified on different problems.