Monday, June 14, 1999
Important Notes:
The three first sessions will be dedicated to one specific topic according
to the main subjects of the workshop.
Each paper will have 10 to 15 minutes for presentation, apart from questions.
The rest of each session (45-60 min. approx.) will be dedicated to discuss
about the problems, questions and hot issues of the specific topic being dealt with.
One of the exercises in this second part is also to select some of these
hot issues being discussed, in order to concentrate on the most interesting
ones during the last session.
In the last session, depending on the number of attendees and their preferences,
we could either split in groups, focusing each group in one of the identified
issues, or deal with them collectively.
All participants are kindly requested to read the workshop
papers so presenters can concentrate on the major contributions
of their papers and the open issues they identify.
Besides, please send us a list of the
topics or questions that you would like to discuss during the workshop
(should they be related to your paper or not) before Wednesday 9/6/99.
Please, confirm
your participation as soon as possible.
Workshop Agenda
Session 1: 9.00-10.30. Introduction
and Protocol Interoperability
Procotol-safe Workflow Support for Santa Claus
Rick van Rein (Univ. of Twente)
Extending IDLs with pi-calculus for Protocol Compatibility
C. Canal, L. Fuentes and A. Vallecillo (Univ. of Málaga)
Break: 10.30-11.00
Session 2: 11.00-12.30. Semantic
Aspects of Object Interoperability
Semantic and Usage Packaging for Software Components
Jun Han (Monash Univ.)
Semantic Trading: Tackling Interoperability Problems during System Integration
S. Terzis and P. Nixon (Univ. of Dublin)
Reasoning about Object Clients and Distributed Object Interaction
A. Mikhajlova (Turku Centre, Åbo Akademi Univ.).
Automatic Selection of Problem Solving Libraries based on Competence Matching
M. Gaspari (Univ. of Bologna), E. Motta (The Open Univ.) and D.
Fensel (Univ. of Karlsruhe)
Lunch: 12.30-14.00
Session 3: 14.00-15.30. Enabling
Technologies and Mediated Architectures
Behavioral Mapping for Service Substitutability
Twittie Senivongse (Chulalongkorn Univ.)
Conceptual Design and Development of Applications based on Object Interoperability
J. Gómez (Univ. of Alicante) and O. Pastor (Univ. Pol. Valencia)
Improving the Interoperability in Multi-agent Systems
J.M. Corchado and P. Cuesta (Univ. of Vigo)
Break: 15.30-16.00
Session 4: 16.00-17.30. Wrap-up
Session and Conclusions