Adaptive Software Development 240, 246
aggregation 12, 22, 58, 95
anonymous inner class listeners 130
Beck, Kent 93, 226, 242, 268
composition 12, 22, 58, 95
Concurrent Versions System 248
Cunningham, Ward 93, 226, 242
designing an inheritance 107
distributed computing 289, 290
Dynamic Systems Development Method 245
eXtreme Programming 226, 240, 242
Feature-Driven Development 240
Free Software Foundation 256
garbage collection 16, 66
generalization/specialization 22, 95
Graphical User Interfaces
implementation details 44
inheritance 12, 23, 51, 96, 107
instance attributes 34, 68
Integrated Development Environment 253, 257
is-a test 25, 26, 92, 107
Java Naming and Directory Interface 291
libraries and frameworks 288
anonymous inner class 130
Model-View-Controller 118, 137
multiple inheritance 24, 62
named inner class listener 133
Object Management Group 5
Object Modelling Technique 236
object personification 96
Object-Oriented Analysis 89, 102
Object-Oriented Design 102
object-oriented programming languages 4
object-oriented system 10
Pragmatic Programming 240
Rapid Application Development 245
Rational Unified Process 236, 237
structured development 235
Sun Microsystems 256, 262
version control system 258