Building Computer Games from scratch:an approach to apply in practice advanced foundations of programming .

This page contains a selection of computer games developed by the students of the subject Practical of Programming. The games are part of the result of an educational experiment that was conducted in the laboratory sessions to evaluate and compare several teaching proposals (i.e., an attendance-based method and a game-based approach).

All the games were implemented by using the imperative programming language MODULA-2 and the environment Top-Speed that works under DOS operative system. In any case, the experiment is independent of the programming language (the only requisite is that this language has to provide support to program abstract data types and to implement independent modules).

In the following we provide, for each of the games, a brief description of the game and a compressed zip file that contains, the source code, available documentation (written in Spanish) and, in most of the games, the executable file (in a minor number of cases we do not provide the executable and you have to compile the source code to generate it).

NOTA: if the exucutable does not work then probably you have to recompile the source code; the reason is because possibly the path in which you try to run the excutable does not correspond to the path on which the source code was compiled. If you recompile the files then you will be able to run all the games.

Here you can unload an Evaluation Questionnaire (english version) that we have used to evaluate the opinion of the students. This questionnaire was written in order to find out the thoughts of the students on the teaching methodology employed. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions about different aspects of the subject such as teaching ability of the lecturer, material used, programme, topics explained, degree of satisfaction, degree of motivation, and other related issues.

For more information do not hesitate to contact with the lecturer of the subject:

     Dr.Antonio J. Fernández,

Depto. de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación,

Universidad de Málaga, Spain

Málaga 29071


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Some Selected Games

Figure 1. A possible state of PACKMANgame during its execution

Figure 2. Test your memory by remembering couples in the BUSCAR-PAR game


Figure 3. This is the welcome window of Puzzle bobble Game.

Figure 4. Playing with Puzzle Bobble

Figure 5. Welcome Window of X_MODULA

Figure 6. An introductory narration of the X_MODULA game


Figure 7. Playing with X_MODULA

Figure 8. An introductory narration of the SPider Invasion game

Figure 9. Partsof the introductory narration of the SPider Invasion game. Earth suffers a nuclear attack that attracts the extraterrestial spider


Figure 10. Playing with Spider Invasion


Figure 11. Menu for Serpiente and Apples (Snake-Apples) Game

Figure 12. Playing with Snake-Apples Game


Figure 13. Playing with Conecta-4 Game